Future under our Skin
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Future under our Skin

Future under our Skin 2023

10:00 - 17:00
TechMed Centre, Universiteit Twente, Enschede

From the legendary Tricorder, a device capable of continuous health monitoring, to the revolutionary Hypospray, which offers personalized medical treatments without the need for highly trained medical personnel, our skin is the canvas for these remarkable advancements.

As we navigate an uncertain future, with challenges arising from climate change and the environmental impact of medical and cosmetic procedures, the FUOS23 event offers a platform to delve into the latest research and innovations revolving around the use of skin as a fundamental platform. It’s an opportunity for experts to convene and collaboratively chart a roadmap to address the uncertainties we all face.

Professor David Fernandez Rivas, leading the Mesoscale Chemical Systems group at the Technical Medical Centre (TechMed Centre, University of Twente), emphasizes the crucial role of skin in our lives. “Our skin is not only a protective shield but also a gateway to transformative medical treatments and cosmetic procedures. Following the resounding success of FUOS19, we have gathered luminaries from diverse fields, including healthcare professionals, companies, researchers, policy makers, and investors. Our focus is on engaging the next generation of innovators, the students, who will be the torchbearers of the technologies we dream of today.”

What to expect?

This year’s Future Under Our Skin platform will feature two distinct events:

Expert Symposium (10.00 – 17.00): Moderated by Diederik Jekel (science journalist): An inspiring experience in the world of medical and technological advancements, including seamless injections, medically responsible tattoos, and much more. Engage in thought-provoking discussions with international keynotes by Prof. Samir Mitragotri (Harvard University) and Dr. Patrick Anquetil (Portal Instruments). Participate in roundtable conversations to collectively shape the future of medical innovation in terms of ethics and applicability.

Citizen Experience Event (18.30 – 21.00): Presented by Eva Cleven (host and DJ): Immerse yourself in a world of futuristic demonstrations, experiments, presentations, and discussions by visionary researchers (including Keynote speaker Prof. Samir Mitragotri from Harvard University – USA) and pioneering companies. Explore the potential of technologies while networking with like-minded individuals. Discover the modern facilities of the TechMed Centre.

Join the FUOS conversation

We would like to invite you to participate in FUOS23, both as an attendee of the events and to stay informed about FUOS developments. You can sign up for free. The expert symposium can be attended both live and digitally (and the recording will be shared with participants afterward). There is also childcare available, so you can focus on FUOS23. Visit www.futureunderourskin.com for the complete program and registration details.



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